Probem to create Data Base

Good afternoon, I am a new virtualmin user, I have a problem installing my scripts, I get a message that the virtual server does not meet the requirements, a mysql database is required, I do not have the option to edit databases as I have seen in the virtualmin panel, so I look for it in the search bar when I find the option and I want to create a database I receive the following error.

I appreciate your help


It works perfectly fine for me. What script is it failing on?

I do not have the option to edit databases as I have seen in the virtualmin panel

How exactly did you get to this page? Can you provide a screenshot before submitting the page, which led to this error?

How did you install Virtualmin? Did you use official script? What OS distro and version is that?

Hello, the data of my installation and server are:

Operating system: CentOS Linux 7.8.2003
Webmin version 1.954
Usermin version 1.803
Virtualmin version 6.11
Authentic theme version 19.53-2

to get virtualmin I use the following command and link

This happens to me with all the scripts that I try to install, first I get the following error

I read that I have to enable mysql options for the user, but I don’t have that option.

then I look for the option edit database that normally comes in the virtualmin panel, but it is not available

I look for the option from the search bar and enter the following window

but when I try to create a new database I get the error I had already posted


Try going on Webmin/Servers/MySQL Database Server page and check if it’s running:

Not running:

Start it manually:

I checked and MySQL was already running

Can you connect to the database using console, like:

mysql -u root -p

yes, I can connect to MySQL from the console

I just have made a clean install of Virtualmin 6.11 on CentOS 7 – it works flawlessly.

Looking at the Edit Databases page, makes me think that something is broken. Did you upgrade or patched Virtualmin files manually?

Try running:

 yum reinstall wbm-virtual-server

Additionally, check /etc/webmin/virtual-server/domains find the record for domain you’re having an issue with and send it to me in a private message. Other than that, I could login and have a look. I don’t understand what’s happening off the cuff. I think you broke something unintentionally, as again, it works just fine for me out of the box.

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