Postfix relayhost and ipv6 configuration

OS type and version Debian 12
Webmin version 2.202
Virtualmin Version 7.30.4
Related Package Postfix

hello everyone,
due to the bad reputation of my host’s ipV4 ranges, I can’t send emails to and other providers. My host’s hotline told me that I could set up a relayhost or use ipv6 for smtp at least but after testing I ended up having certificate problems that prevented Postfix from starting until I debug (see the post Postfix instance doesn't start - #14 by imkael )
could you explain to me how to set up a relayhost or ipv6 for smtp?
Thank you in advance for your answers.

Why don’t you request a new IPv4 from your provider and set it up in *min?

it would be simple but not possible

You could use AWS SES or any of the other SMTP service providers as a mail relay. Also see:

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I remember getting the same ‘crap’ when I set up my server. Some Bozo’s in Europe (2 strangely similar names) said my IP was in a ‘bad neighborhood’. Not my specific IP. Some long, convoluted process for removal could be ‘sped up’ for a fee…

Not being in Europe I didn’t give a rat’s axe. Extortion scheme similar to a firewall provider I encountered years ago. My ‘fee’ was a threat to contact the FTC for hindrance of interstate commerce since they couldn’t provide any specific evidence for a block.

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it might be simpler to switch to a reliable external SMTP service like SMTPmart, Mailgun, Amazon SES or SMTPget.

finally I use an smtp relay only for microsoft domains which are the only ones in the world to use UCEPROTECT which consider us as spam (even through a relay) but the emails are delivered. My provider confirms to me that they have to pay if they want microsoft to unban their ips, they will never do it. I checked for my ip and if I want to unban it for a year, it will cost me 70CHF … as ID10T said it’s extortion
On the other hand the IPV6 do not seem to be affected a tutorial on how to set it up on webmin / virtualmin postfix could be useful …

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