
Hey There!

I’ve installed Virtualmon on a CentOS 5 box, everything is working fine so far. I’ve followed the LDAP combine guide, adding users is working, but i have some problem with postfix and ldap.
I’ve setup postfix to use ldap as it was said in the above mentioned document, but when i try to create a domain it says:

Creating aliases for administration user …
… aliases failed : LDAP add of,dc=virtual,dc=my-domain,dc=com failed : mailLocalAddress: value #0 provided more than once at …/ line 980.

Adding to email domains list …
… Mail for domain failed! : LDAP add of,dc=virtual,dc=my-domain,dc=com failed : mailLocalAddress: value #0 provided more than once at …/ line 980.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!<br><br>Post edited by: ScOut3R, at: 2008/03/31 15:00

I’ve tried the above setup on Debian 4 and got the same results.

Tomorrow i’ll look into the web-lib-funcs file, but i’m not really good at Perl yet, so any help or suggestion is appreciated. :slight_smile:

That’s a bug. If you’re getting perl errors, it’s always a bug (I guess in this case it could be triggered by a misconfiguration, but this looks like an untrapped error being displayed directly…which is rarely the right thing).

File it in the bug tracker, and see what Jamie has to say about it.

Thank You! I’ve reported it.

Jamie said that it is a bug in the current version of webmin which is in the virtualmin repos. The new webmin soon will be in the repo to fix this issue.