Possible pro feature

Inspired partly by DKIM thread.
Farm out things like email and dns to another server. I’m not positive but I get the impression the problem in that thread is syncing DNS and mail settings when the DNS and mail are on servers that aren’t the same as the VM server? I’d think bind is a small enough foot print that you could run it on the VM server as a non public server and use webmin to sync. Not sure why the OP doesn’t do that anyhow. That would be my solution.

Email could be more difficult if you want to keep the entire email account on a separate server. But, as these are problems of scale, paying shouldn’t be scoffed at.

This is already a feature in Pro. We support a few cloud-based email services for this (e.g. GMail). We’re open to adding other services that aren’t yet supported, or any features you might be missing.

hmm, where is the add button? Or is it configured somewhere else?

Oh, maybe I’m wrong about GMail. It though we had some API support for Google in there, too, but I guess not. It’s on the todo list.

ok, I do remember chat about gmail.

Not sure we’re on the same page. I’m talking about having Webmin/Virtualmin servers handling servers like Postfix and Bind on another server instead of having it all on one. It becomes an issue in larger operations which is why I say it should be a pro feature. web/bind/email Each on their own server as @charlesworks seems to have. I’m not sure if that is why he has a problem but it does seem like it could be an issue in keeping things synced for DKIM.

Basically the choice now for larger installations is more installations of WM/VM and spread out the accounts or bigger machines. It also gives a single place to hook in billing software.

I realize Cloudmin controls the actual VM’s and Dockers? but not what goes on them.

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Oh, I see. You can already do that with Virtualmin by making users LDAP users and storing homes on some sort of networked filesystem. That’s quite a bit more complicated, though. It’s also probably how you’d handle having a hot spare or load balanced deployment (depending on goals of having multiple servers).

But, we are planning a refactor of the mail stack, which would very likely include making mail users virtual users (i.e. not system users, anymore). That’s a huge undertaking and removes a bunch of features mail users currently have, but that most people don’t expect or really even want mail users to have.