Please help: user not recieving emails from a specific user within same domain

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Dear sirs,

I have a mail-server running with about <30email accounts.

Everything works fine: webmail, MS outlook, etc… outgoing and incoming mails, are ok…but just one nitty winny problem:

Current observation: can send to but cannot receive emails from When such mails are sent by userB, they show in userB’s sent list but dont show up in UserA’s mailbox, not even in junk. It seems the mail just disappeared into thin air.

userA can send to / recieve from every other user; except as described above
userB can send to / recieve from every other user; except as described above

there is no special configuration on either userA/userB, no filters, no rules, etc…all settings for all user accounts for the virtual server are the same.

Some months back, there was no issue. UserB could send to and receive from userA…and vice versa successfully.

I checked the spam-assasin interface, cant find any useful info to say that userB was blocked in sending mails particularly to userA.


mail logs help

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