I changed to almalinnux in a new server… from the Centos server…
A couple of websites i’m trying to migrate over are wordpress and i could do the migration with plugins provided but I have lost the usernames and passwords, and I thought I’d install phpmyadmin and see them - but after installing it just comes up as text… not the normal module to log in etc…
Anyways I have the wordpress_mydomain.com database - how do I view in this
I went to manage databases but them what do I do?
Please help
It’s not clear what problem you’re having, but I think you’re saying phpMyAdmin is showing HTML and not rendering the web page? That almost always means you’ve installed mod_php. You should never install mod_php. I recommend you remove it. PHP Execution Modes | Virtualmin — Open Source Web Hosting Control Panel
And, you don’t need phpMyAdmin to manage databases, you can just select the domain, click Edit Databases, then click the “Manage” button to the right of the database you want to work with.
I’d be shocked if you can just look at the WordPress password, though, surely all passwords are hashed in the database? I think you’ll need to reset the password. Reset your password – Documentation – WordPress.org