I have installed php-fpm.service and below php74-php-fpm.service, php81-php-fpm.service and php83-php-fpm.service. All are set on “start at boot” = yes and are always shown as “running=yes”.
But from time to time (every few days) the service php74-php-fpm.service is down (but still shown as “running=yes” in System > Bootup and Shutdown). I cannot find any reason or how to fix it. I just restart when the website shows “Service unavailable”.
Look in your php logs - it sounds like you are running a feature that has be depreciated in version 8.x but are trying to run it in 7.x or alternatively running something that is only available in 8.x. So php7.x is stopping.
What php app are you running?
sounds like it is some user input in the app that is triggering the event
thx for the hints, the key is maybe the number of children I allowed for FPM. I now raised the children values, so I will see in the next time if that solved the problem.
remember that too many children can result in the dreaded OOM (Out of Memory) condition that when triggered, results in various processes being killed off – and not just php processes