What’s the story with the php4/php5 stuff. The FAQ mentions that something was in the works to enable both on one system, is that complete yet?
What’s the story with the php4/php5 stuff. The FAQ mentions that something was in the works to enable both on one system, is that complete yet?
Hey Paul,
It is pretty darned close. All of the packages needed exist on Fedora 4-6, and I’m nearly there on CentOS and earlier Fedora versions. Suse 10.0 and Ubuntu already have what’s needed. Debian will be easy. Mandriva already has it all, too.
So, what remains is getting support in Virtualmin for mod_fcgid (mod_fastcgi support was written but SuExec was broken on recent Apache builds for mod_fastcgi, so we had to start over).
So…I dunno exactly when it’ll be finished, but it’ll definitely be soon. (If you’ve been around a while, you’ll know that I have a bad habit of guesstimating far less time than it actually turns out to require, so I’ve stopped making date estimates. They only get me in trouble. So, I can’t say what “soon” means exactly, but from where I’m sitting it looks like all of the hard parts–the PHP packages in particular–are finished.)
Hey, I’m brand new to VirtualMin (server setup last night). I do have 4 other servers with Ensim Pro, so I am not completely “dumb” -just confused and tired…
I have VirtualMin Pro running on Ubuntu. How do I check which PHP is running, where do I enable it for a site? I tried publishing a test php page and it failed.
I have to jump in with a copy of my post in "Feature Requests", http://www.virtualmin.com/forums/message-view?message_id=76004
I wonder where the nice information about which verions pf PHP, mySQL, Spamassassin, Apache… are running. If it’s remowed I would like to know why, and if it’s moved I would like to know where.
I seriously think this information should be presented somewhere, if you don’t think the info should go in the Virtualmin menu, why don’t put is as a expanding option in the System information page. I actually think this would be the right place for the info and I absolutely think this should be available.
I manually installed php5 (apt-get install php5), restarted Apache and everything is OK.
I wrongly assumed, PHP 5 was installed initially.
On Nov 30, Joe posted that Ubuntu had what was needed to get both version of PHP running (4 + 5). Anyone has info on how this is done?
I found this howto on the web. Anybody tried it? Will it "break" my VirtualMin install?
Oh !! Now that’s sweet… I never thought about doing it that way and no it wont break your system if you follow the instructions.
You could rename the php4 directory from cgi-bin to php4-cgi which is what I did.
Does anyone have these working together on Ubuntu? I have noticed a few install scripts wanting php5 but cant seem to find a solution to having php4 and php5 working together yet.
Hey Brian,
Yes, it’s possible.
Make sure you’re running the latest versions of all of the Virtualmin packages, and make sure you have libapache2-mod-fgicd, php4-cgi and php5-cgi packages installed.
Then switch over to running PHP under fcgid in the Server Template(s) that you use, in the “Apache website” section. The option is labeled “Default PHP exection mode”, and should be set to “FCGId (run as virtual server owner)”. Note that this will only apply to new servers, and will need to be set within each of the existing servers where you’d like this capability.
This is now the default configuration when installing Virtualmin, and the recommended way to run PHP scripts (though we haven’t really documented making the change for older installations as well as we should).
Oh, yeah, I should add the after this change, you’ll need to make sure your existing PHP scripts are owned by the server owner account, and the executable .php files are not writable by group or world (suexec is very strict about permissions on files that it executes).
OK. I’m seeing all of that in the server templates and we could just make a new one for the servers we want to create to run with php5, but I am having trouble locating the switch to flip from php4 to php5 AFTER one is created already and running or is that not possible? I would have kinda thought I would find it in the Website Options for the given server.
Look at Server Configuration --> PHP Versions