Php 7.4 [proxy:error] [pid 87756] (2)No such file or directory: AH02454: FCGI: attempt to connect to Unix domain socket /run/php/170325440560095.sock (*) failed

OS type and version Ubuntu Linux 22.04.4
Webmin version 2.111
Virtualmin version 7.20.2
Processor information AMD EPYC-Rome Processor, 8 cores
Memory 16GB

After update the system

Apache Service also has a problem, unable to connect.

If I restart the service, it will work again. Soon the same error returned again.

[Wed Aug 07 15:50:41.370212 2024] [proxy:error] [pid 1582767] (2)No such file or directory: AH02454: FCGI: attempt to connect to Unix domain socket /run/php/170325440560095.sock (*) failed
[Wed Aug 07 15:50:41.285174 2024] [proxy_fcgi:error] [pid 1583392] [client] AH01079: failed to make connection to backend: httpd-UDS
[Wed Aug 07 15:50:41.285121 2024] [proxy:error] [pid 1583392] (2)No such file or directory: AH02454: FCGI: attempt to connect to Unix domain socket /run/php/170325440560095.sock (*) failed
[Wed Aug 07 15:50:41.274831 2024] [proxy_fcgi:error] [pid 1583398] [client] AH01079: failed to make connection to backend: httpd-UDS
[Wed Aug 07 15:50:41.274806 2024] [proxy:error] [pid 1583398] (2)No such file or directory: AH02454: FCGI: attempt to connect to Unix domain socket /run/php/170325440560095.sock (*) failed
[Wed Aug 07 15:50:41.271663 2024] [proxy_fcgi:error] [pid 1582067] [client] AH01079: failed to make connection to backend: httpd-UDS
[Wed Aug 07 15:50:41.271639 2024] [proxy:error] [pid 1582067] (2)No such file or directory: AH02454: FCGI: attempt to connect to Unix domain socket /run/php/170325440560095.sock (*) failed
[Wed Aug 07 15:50:41.270714 2024] [proxy_fcgi:error] [pid 1582797] [client] AH01079: failed to make connection to backend: httpd-UDS
[Wed Aug 07 15:50:41.270683 2024] [proxy:error] [pid 1582797] (2)No such file or directory: AH02454: FCGI: attempt to connect to Unix domain socket /run/php/170325440560095.sock (*) failed
[Wed Aug 07 15:50:41.262211 2024] [proxy_fcgi:error] [pid 1583179] [client] AH01079: failed to make connection to backend: httpd-UDS
[Wed Aug 07 15:50:41.262169 2024] [proxy:error] [pid 1583179] (2)No such file or directory: AH02454: FCGI: attempt to connect to Unix domain socket /run/php/170325440560095.sock (*) failed
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