Password change and now I'm locked out

Alright, well then just undo the Webmin password thing and use your system password to login.

Edit the file /etc/webmin/miniserv.users, find the root line, and remove the password from that line and change it to x. It will look like a mess of letters and numbers, probably starting with something like $2$.

i.e. After this change, your root line should look like:


Restart Webmin, and then login with your system root password. Stop all the nonsense with separate Webmin and system passwords; don’t bother with changepass, and never use the Webmin->Webmin Users module to set the password again.

Joe you have been an inspiration. It worked. Also, by looking at the file I realized that was able login all along using a domain. But, thank you for all your help.

Wait, spoke too soon… Only the domains has access

Thanks Joe. It finally worked.

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