Osticket extension=php_intl.dll needed

OS type and version Centos 8.52111
Webmin version 1.984
Virtualmin version 6.17
Related packages SUGGESTED

Need these module to to be enabled to install osticket |;extension=php_intl.dll
APCu Extension
PHP IMAP Extension

My 2nd question is how to update the virtulmin and webmin


How to update the virtulmin and webmin

It seems that you need to fix your Virtualmin repos first. This can be done by downloading development version of install.sh script and running it with --setup param, like this:

sh install.sh --setup

Then you can run packages upgrade:

dnf clean all
dnf update

Need these module to to be enabled to install osticket |;extension=php_intl.dll
APCu Extension

Try installing ownCloud script using Install Scripts page, it will install needed PHP extensions for you. Afterwards ownCloud can be uninstalled, while PHP extensions will stay available across the system.

this will not effect the operation of the virtualmin

it is simple operations

Is this a question or a statement?

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