Looking to install open-paas.org into virtualmin…
Has anyone any recommendations???
Never heard of it.
The installation instructions seem to require you to use Docker, which is fine. You’d just proxy to the Docker container, as you would any other application running in a container. Nothing unique about Virtualmin, you’d configure Apache or nginx identically (just make sure you put the ProxyPass rules into a VirtualHost section, Virtualmin is about virtual hosting, everything goes into VirtualHosts).
Oh, but since this is Blue Skies, you may be asking us to support it. We don’t support proprietary software (other than Virtualmin/Cloudmin Pro). That’s what you pay your vendor for.
Virtualmin does nothing that would interfere with running any application as long as that application doesn’t take over the whole system. Anything that is happy running on a shared virtual hosting system or is sufficiently self-contained and can be proxied to will run on a Virtualmin system just like it would on any other web hosting system with Apache or nginx (depending on which web server you choose when you install).
Edit: Er, maybe it’s not proprietary? When I tried the “Get Started” link it took me to a form that looked an awful like the sales funnel forms that proprietary vendors use, and that I won’t fill out, but their github talks like they’re Open Source. I dunno what to make of it. Regardless, for now, we don’t directly support Docker apps, you’ll need to use Docker according to their documentation and then proxy to it (probably also according to their documentation, but you could use our Proxy Paths GUI if you prefer, proxying is generally stupid simple, however you do it).
I appreciate it!
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