Old issue but open /Still can't modify upload size for WordPress /Nginx server: performed all prescribed methods.

Operating system Debian Linux 7

Webmin version 1.740

Virtualmin version 4.16.gpl

Time on system Sat Apr 25 19:17:00 2015

Kernel and CPU Linux 3.2.0-4-amd64 on x86_64

nginx version: nginx/1.2.1

PHP 5.4.39-0+deb7u2 (cli) (built: Mar 25 2015 08:33:29)

& WordPress


The above is what is on my VPS at the moment.

I would like to:
a) Increase max upload size in WordPress to something more realistic than 2M’s - I have performed all the usual steps .e.g, adjusting the max upload size, max memory allocation and max page size in </etc/php5/fpm/php.ini>.

Gone into: Webmin>Others>php Configuration >Manage, the following files and adjusted the resources to desired allocations:

to no avail. So what am I missing?

b) After the above is resolved I would like to update Nginx to a newer version. Is that possible with Virtualmin/Webmin?

c) Update the Linux Kernal

Feel free to let me know if and what else you need to look at to resolve this.

Thanks in Advance,


The only solution to this problem is to create a .user.ini file and place it in the root directory of the site.

Comments on this situation from the support staff would be welcomed.

Also, updated Nginx and there appear to be no problems - now running version 1.6.2 and I feel it is more secure.

Kernel update also no problems.