It’s tedious but edit the theme and choose theme extenisions and the class overrides there, you may need to use your browser console to either find the class or id of the element you wish to target, then perhaps add display:none; to the css for the class or id. Beaware that classes may be used elsewhere so you may need to add some js/extra css to just remove the required element. Also you may find that your changes don’t work, this will be down to the element/class having important set so if it doesn’t work add !important to you rule with luck it will work
Yeah, that shouldn’t be in a mail client. It doesn’t make sense in Usermin, at all.
I’ll ask @Ilia if we can clean that up. Usermin, at least in a Virtualmin system, should be almost completely devoted to a pleasant mail workflow, and we don’t really have that right now. It looks like a sysadmin tool.
Should we make the OS, Usermin, and theme versions configurable or remove them entirely? Also, what should we do about the hostname?
Honestly, I don’t like the idea of removing it entirely. Though, making it configurable seems like a better approach. I’m pretty sure there will be users who won’t like this change.
I don’t see a big issue with it. I don’t use Usermin much. I opened it up and it defaulted to the mail interface so I had to click to get to that page.
I’ve mentioned this before. What I’d like to see on that page, if I still had paying clients, would be the user side mail client settings. I used to have that with cPanel and it was a good way to help clients with mail clients. Maybe less important now with auto discovery. I think Apple products still misbehave somewhat last I knew. You already have the code written.
Why would a mail user care about any of that information?
It isn’t sensitive, but it’s not in any way actionable by a mail user. We don’t need to throw nonsense at non-technical users. It’s like we don’t know who the user is for Usermin. Usermin is not a systems management tool, the user has no control over system details, so we shouldn’t distract them with it.
When I first started looking at virtualmin I could not understand what usermins role was especially when in context of virtualmin as a hosting platform as usermin does a lot more than webmial.
Virtualmin is split across 2 distinct areas, App hosting and web hosting. For web hosting usermin should be reduced down to a webmail client and probably left with more functionality for Apps. Obviously usermin can still be configurable by the user. I did a feature request where usermin options can be configured in the server templates (I am sure I did but cant find it).
There is some replicated functionality such as file manager which is present in usermin/webmin/virtualmin
I am not a linux guy so my views are skewed because I am just using virtualmin as a webhosting platform so maybe I am just not seeing the full picture. .
no sysinfo !
however without using CSS/jquery you can simply change the default module from dashboard to something else maybe file manager or change password. From the menu’s there is no option to view the “dashboard” page so that information is “hidden” from view
who said anything about default ? The title of the thread indicates the OP wishes to remove that information. From the image below can you tell me what the user has to press to modify the theme ?
@Ron_E_James_D.O If you don’t want to wait for the new releases, you can apply the following patches and then decide what will be displayed on the Usermin dashboard using the Webmin ⇾ Usermin Configuration: User Interface page, e.g.:
Not to look a gift horse in the mouth… but along the lines of a few of the other commenters… it seems to me that for a simple webmail-user (a system configuration option of) not having the Usermin tab at all would be appropriate.
Mine is a pretty stripped down install for such users. Most of what is on the “Usermin” tab is repeated under the “Mail” tab’s “Account Information” (including GnuPG which is the only “Application” group option I have under “Usermin”, Change Password which is the only thing I have under “Login”, and Filter and Forward Mail, which is the first of the things I have under the “Mail” tab of “Usermin”… which makes me wonder if those links couldn’t just be on that same “Account Functions” list).
Since I don’t anticipate many users deciding to change their language, I could see this being a bit more “webmail only user” friendly without the separate tab.
Thanks for the patch on system details though… I just expected that it was in there and I couldn’t find it, not that someone would go out of their way, you made my Monday!