No settings for the Stats History

Kernel and CPU Linux 6.8.0-47-generic on x86_64
OS type and version Ubuntu Linux 24.04.1
Virtualmin version 7.20.2
Authentic theme version 21.20.7
Webmin version 2.202

Hi everyone! I just installed Virtualmin and I don’t have an option on the page Theme Configuration for switching stats history length. Did anyone experience same situation or maybe any ideas how it can be fixed/enabled?

I saw some older screenshots from another similar topics, guys just somehow fixed this. Unfortunatelly, I wasn’t able to fix that by reloading/cache reset.

This is the URL where I was trying to update Theme Configuration.


This is one of similar discussions, which doesn’t help in my case.

Any ideas would be appreciated, thanks!

Which stats history? The live charts?

I think the time length might of been removed recently when the live charts were updated.

Yes, this block with stats history on Dashboard

I would like to have a lot larger history, if that’s possible. ~10 mins is too low for me.

Like, how long?

I think would be good to see the stats history for the last 24h or at least 12h.

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At absolute minimum 12hr (as the working day is < 8hr by law - in theory) and I for one cannot afford to recruit/pay/admin/contract/teach/risk a stand-in)

Alright, I will look into implementing it, and update this ticket with progress! Thanks!

Oh, thank you! I was thinking that I just missed that dropdown somewhere, an already implemented feature.

I’m on it now. I’ll update this ticket with progress and instructions on how it can be tested before the actual new Webmin release…

This feature has been implemented for the next release! There will be an option in theme settings to select the retention period for live stats storage.

It can already be tested using the nightly version of Webmin.

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After running more in-depth tests, I’m back to my original conclusion that using longer storage periods for live stats won’t provide a good user experience. Technically, it could be implemented, and we could display only a slice of the data, make graphs zoomable, and allow scrolling through the timeline—but that would be an entirely separate project!

For the time being, and with the upcoming release, options for 6, 12, 18, and 24 hours will not be shown by default in the select dropdown menu! The maximum store interval currently supported and recommended by the live stats design is 3 hours.

However, for anyone who wants to go against this recommendation and be exposed to a sub-optimal experience or even a browser tab crash, it will still be possible to select longer intervals; to do so, hold down the Alt key on Linux/PC or the Option key on macOS before clicking the select dropdown menu in “Yes, and store stats for” option, to have these extended intervals displayed.

Pro feature and alternative solution could be Netdata integration?

Integrate Netdata where and how? Currently, we only support displaying a Netdata link in the navigation menu if Netdata is installed.

Add it as a Pro module which can be enabled or disabled. The module would take care of all of the install and uninstall of Netdata etc…

This would be an intergated part of virtualmin rather than an app that is "sideloaded" by the user and it could have permissions so only an admin can see it etc…

Also I did not know that the menu item for Netdata would appear if I installed Netdata, which I don’t know how to do :slight_smile:

Does the Netdata license allow that?

I think it should display automatically if the metadata command is available on your system.

I did not think it needed a license, I can check.

  • netdata/LICENSE at master · netdata/netdata · GitHub = GNU General Public License v3.0
  • Introducing Netdata Paid Subscriptions | Netdata
    • All Netdata functionality is and will be available for free forever in the Community Plan. Paid tiers include features targeted for businesses and users who would need to customise their monitoring solution with different levels of user access, extra notification mechanisms, customer support and more.
    • All core monitoring features will be part of this free COMMUNITY plan.

I had a look but did not see any installation restrictions and the Netdata codes is GPL so there should be not restrictions for installation or distribution.

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