Needing help with DMARC Record Published

OS type and version Ubuntu Linux 20.04.6
Webmin version 2.021
Virtualmin version 7.7 Pro
Related packages SUGGESTED

hello can any one help me with my issue im get this problem when i check my dns server on mxtoolbox it keeps coming up with the following two errors

my domain name and dns is with namecheap too

Are you hosting your dns or is it with your registrar?

You need a A record first off.

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no my dns is with namecheap

All those records need to be on namecheap, virtualmin is not handling the DNS, disable vitualmin dns.

ok how do i solve the problem

ok i have done that

im having problems setting up the mailserver to

thats the dns issue.
follow these instructions,

ok thank you for your help

notice how they add the host just www for

yes i have noticed that do i do the same

yep. not ns1 and ns2 as your not running the nameserver.
www mail & smtp the main ones

oh right i understand so do i remove ns1 and ns2 then

only the one point to Virtualmin, you should have ns pointing to namecheap nameserver.,

do i add them to virtualmin or what

this is what shows up in my dns records

no virtualmin is not your nameservers, namecheap is.

ok so what do i do now