Need help running node.js app on my server

I am new to virtualmin and the node enviroment, and I want to know how to run a node.js app with apache and not interfere with other websites on my server


As a Pro user you can install Node.js using Install Scripts page. It will install it on per server basis and will not interfere with other domains on the system.

@Ilia Thank you for your reply.
I am on pro
I did install node per server
I managed to run the app on port 3000

  1. while app is running other website are not accessible
  2. I want the app to run on port 80 since users will be accessing it from

please advise

disabled apache on the virtual server still get this message when I use
serve -s build -l 80
Error: Failed to serve: Error: listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::80

I suggest you to use ssl 443. I had same problem but I am not a pro license user.
I changed env file and proxy to apache with nodejs app’s port in apache conf file of the server.
Please share your settings/editing … I can help you…

Ok so… I had it fixed.
My app is using angular nodejs.
I put the frontend in the public html folder on a virtual server in virtualmin
Ran the backend on random port using screen npm run dev
It worked

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