Need help redirecting hostname to another domain

I have latest virtualmin installed everything is working great its using nginx as webserver, the only issue i have is i am not sure how to redirect the hostname domain to another domain. I have tried to disable lets encrypt on hostname in virtualmin configuration → ssl settings, but i get the same error after reboot and am unable to make a domain for the hostname in virtualmin any help would be appreciated.

You do not make a domain for the hostname. You just put in a random name as hostname and leave it be. Please read the following (section: Fully Qualified Domain Name):

Well I do not want to make a domain for the hostname domain, I only want to redirect the default page it shows to another website when going to hostname domain. Not sure how to redirect from default page… I’ve done it before just can’t remember how I did it…

On “latest Virtualmin” (I wish people would comply with community guidelines and provide the actual version of Virtualmin, Webmin etc. that was running on their system - it is a simple copy - paste ya) you could access the index.html of the landing page of the hostname at /home/._default_hostname/public_html via the File Manager and via the other usual methods.

Edit that file to redirect to another URL or however else you wish to edit it.

Note: there are reasons you are not supposed to use email and web on the hostname. If you wish to deviate from the norm, then you do so at your own risk. Oh, and if you want to use the hostname as the domain name of a virtual server? Sorry, that’s not possible in the “latest Virtualmin” - it was in earlier versions of Virtualmin and might be again in later versions but in the “latest Virtualmin” i.e. 7.20.2? Not possible.

Please comply, @superdave16, with community guidelines and provide the actual version of Virtualmin, Webmin etc. that is running on your system going forward.

Isnt this what you want?

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