MON Service Monitor lcoation vs. System and Server Status

**Operating system:**DEBIAN
**OS version:**10 BUSTER

We have a weird config issue with Webmin on Debian 10. Has anyone else seen this?

  1. The MON Service Monitor configuration files ( do not exist anywhere on the system.
  2. The location of the mon package files (e.g. .cgi) is in a completely different place. (/usr/bin/share/mon)
  3. There is no /usr/bin/monshow on the system.

But - the System and Server Status module can setup listeners on the services (e.g. MariaDB). It reports correctly if the services are up or down - but does not appear to send email correctly – or we have not configured it correctly on the server.

We are officially confused. Any ideas?

I don’t really know anything about the current state of mon; haven’t used it in about 20 years. Are you sure you need mon? Why? I don’t think it’s been maintained in many years. It’s probably dangerous to use.

System and Server Status has nothing to do with mon (I guess it has a monitor type for mon, but mail from System and Server Status doesn’t have anything to do with mon). So, this seems to be an unrelated issue…so maybe make a different topic for your problems with mail from Webmin.

Yeah, the last release of mon was in 2007. I think I’m just gonna say “don’t use mon”. There are better monitoring tools that are actively maintained. For the simple use cases most people had for mon, System and Server Status works fine. For more advanced use cases, you should look to something actively maintained like Prometheus or Nagios.

Understood! It was in the Webmin console - so we wanted to see if it could work short term. Better to leave it and go to something else. The mail is fine from other places on the system - so we will move on. Thanks for the quick reply.

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