mod-mono installation

Hi everyone!

First time post for me, so sorry for any lacking details.

I wan’t to run .Net application on my Debian 6 VPS, along side PHP and Java.Im a bit nervous about diving into apaches config files, as i honestly do not understand them fully, and don’t want to break everything. My reasoning for wanting to do so, is that im a stundent of CS and need a canvas for all platforms.

My understanding is that Virtual/web-min need some apache2 components, so the runtime has to be intigrated into apache. Also i’ve read that the webmin default for running PHP is mod-fcgid.

From this guide, i understand that you can’t have conflicting runtimes(?) and need to configure your php to run in php-cgi. This is where my question begins: Can anyone tell me about the consequenses and possible remedys for making the change?

The guide i intend to follow is this: Which refers to this:

Any help would be much appreciated… Please dumb it down though :slight_smile:

