Migrate sites from ispconfig 3 to virtualmin

OS type and version Debian Linux 12
Webmin version 2.021
Virtualmin version 7.7


i have several sites hosted in an Ispconfig 3 environment, which i have to migrate to Virtualmin.
is there any automated/import/export script to do this ?
i dont care so much about the mail, i care about the home directory (public_html) and the mysql database.

I think there was some mention about adding something about 3 years ago, I haven’t heard of any progress on that. I guess it is a bit of a wild one. At the moment I think you could be looking at a lot of work this weekend.
Shouldn’t be too difficult on a new box especially if you are not to worried about mail.
Have you done a search here. Others have tried/done it.

i did some search but didnt found anything…
ispconfig uses a strange scheme, user home dirs are not in /home/ and they have a proprietary naming scheme (e.g. guest1 guest2 guest3, etc…)
maybe a migration from ispconfig3 → plesk → virtualmin ?

feasible I would guess, but I would be inclined to make sure everything works with correctly plesk before you migrate to VM

If it’s only about /home directory and the databases, these can be solved with a backup and immediately transffered in the new configuration. I don’t think there is a migration script, and if there is, no one can guarantee that it works. So the safer way is the one mentioned by me.

Regarding ISPConfig, you made a wise decision. For a while I appreciated this control panel, but it is far behind Virtualmin, which I consider the best free option available. I am not counting only the offered features, but the community, the developers.

i think i can create a domain via command line in virtual min…
so i create example.com via command line,
transfer the remote public_html locally (ssh or rsync)
and the hard part is to dump the remote databases and restore them under the new user…

That would be the easy part. The hard work comes when you have to configure all the VMs as they were in ISPConfig (Emails, …). I haven’t worked with Virtualmin clones for a long time when I identified some errors that I hope will be corrected in the meantime. If you have a “template” for a general VM then you can use it to create others custom. At the end comes the part copying the files (it is very important to keep the permissions, symlinks, …) and the database dumps. You can create a bash script to load the dumps automatically.

Probably most relevant as @Eric indicated that something might become available. Though as I said 3 years ago when things may have been different.


Not sure if Plesk makes much sense (seems like doing the work twice over)

as VM supports migration from plesk, but it does not allow you to migrate from Ispconfig, assuming plesk supports imports from Ispconfig, into a plesk environment you then test it works in the plesk environment then migrate to VM … this assumes that the VM migration from plesk backups is flawless.
The OP noted that there is no direct migration from Ispconfig to VM so therefore this may be a better route and TBF you are not putting yourself in a position of restoring backups that have a totally different structure to VM and may, in the long run, cost more time than running up plesk, checking the domain(s) and then doing migration to the VM structure. I would guess this is safer than just doing this manually

I think stopping over in another control panel is asking for surprises later. It is very likely to lose stuff, too; there is not standard for any of this stuff, migration is always best-effort and when the model for how things work is dramatically different, things are bound to get lost.

Unless it’s a lot of domains and users, I would just do it manually. Create the domains and users, copy the homes, copy the web server configs, test, done.

If it is a lot of domains and users, I’d still not go through Plesk, it’s probably still easier to write your own shell script to do the migration using the Virtualmin CLI API. (Or, write your own migrater.)

It is unlikely we’ll tackle it any time soon, as it just doesn’t come up very often.

Correct decision. It is chasing diminishing returns.

A use once objective. Once a decision has been made to Virtualmin who would want to go away. There are plenty of folk on here to help navigate any problems,

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