Maybe a silly question, but I want to be safe :D

OS type and version REQUIRED
Virtualmin version REQUIRED

I want to know if there is any chance to lose the emails if I want to instal wordpress on a virtualmin where is allready a website made in Html. I just want to install wordpress but this is my first time using Virtualmin so I don’t know the rules, and I want to be sure that the email are safe.

Thank you very much for your help!

There is zero risk of loss of email if you install WordPress.

You could install WordPress via Virtualmin’s Installed Scripts option - this is a one-click type install - or you could do it the old-fashioned way - upload the compressed file, uncompress it and then invoke the install by visiting the URL. In either case, there is zero risk of anything else blowing up.

Proceed with confidence.

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Thank you very much, and yes this is the way I want to install it (Installed Scripts) :smiley:

I just had emotions because is a clients webstie and I don’t want them to lose any other data besides the old website.

Thank you again <3

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