Mariadb on ubuntu 22.04

Dear all,

When i will use the installer script for virtualmin on a ubuntu 22.04, will i end up with mariadb or mysql as de database server?

in case of mysql, wich i don’t prefer, what do i have to do to force mariadb?

thanks in advance

OS type and version ubuntu 22.04
Virtualmin version 7

I believe with the latest version of Virtualmin & Ubuntu as you propose you will have MariaDB not MySQL (with the option to add Postgre or not).
So hopefully that works well for you.

thanks for your quick answer Francis,

Currently backing up my virtual servers, gooing to install a fresh one ubuntu 22.04 and i’ll let you know what will be the result.

The Virtualmin 7 installer (now the one you get when you click the link at Downloading and Installing Virtualmin – Virtualmin) will install Mariadb on all supported platforms by default. You can switch easily after installation (but before adding any databases), if you want to…but you almost certainly should not want to. There is no compelling technical reason to choose MySQL over MariaDB, and MariaDB has the preponderance of community support at this point.

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thanks francisW and Joe,

MariaDB is now installed. on database hungry sites i see a huge difference.

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