Mail LogIn Time Out

OS type and version Debian 12
Webmin version 2.202
Virtualmin version 7.20.2 Pro
Webserver version Apache2 2.4.62
Related packages BIND 9.18
both NS2 and NS4 are the same as above
I lease my server from 1and1/Ionos and is also the registrar
Using there DomainName Server at present
NS1 is Plesk v18.0.63 want to use as Master Domain Name Server which is currently hosting website and sub-domains
NS2 is Webmin/Virtualmin want as Slave and Mail
NS3 is my in-house development server is not a domain name server
NS4 is Webmin/Virtualmin would like to use as the trinity name server

What I’m trying to do is setup the master and 2 slaves
ping, dig, nstat report that addressing is correct
when I try to log-in to t round cube I get a message saying: connection to storage server failed or invalid request! No data was saved
Every video I’ve found on the subject is so old that they’re not helpful, reading the documents is frustrating and searching the forum I can’t find anyone with a similar setup having an issue.
I’m a 1 person team who has looked almost everywhere for help and not getting anywhere.
I can log-in to the admin control panel, reach the server via ssh connect with ftp and port test tell me the mail ports are open.
Plesk has an extention for setting up a slave and this is the error message:
/usr/sbin/rndc -b “” -s “” -p “953” -y “rndc-key” -c “/opt/psa/var/modules/slave-dns-manager/” status
rndc: connect failed: connection refused

When I run Resync on Plesk I get this message:
Information: All DNS zones were synced from master to slaves.
even with the error saying connection refused

What should I look for or where can I go for valid help?
Is this an issue that the Pro plan can help with?

I would stick to plesk for all your servers rather than mixing stuff up, that said I am running 3 dns servers via a virtualmin setup with no problems. Is there something different in the way plesk and webmin setup bind ? Or is the interface between panels discribing the technology in different ways ?


Though I can’t figure out what problem you’re trying to solve, you’ve mostly got stuff about DNS servers, but the title is “Mail Login Time Out”.

What one problem would you like this thread to be about? Let’s tackle one problem at a time.

Sorry for the confusion between the title and question, I thought I was trying to solve an issue describing how I had the servers setup.

I did a fresh install of WebMin/VirtualMin and I’m able to log-in to mail server
Still not able to send or receive mail and the more I read the more confused I get.
as a self-trained 1 person team it is often hard to describe the issues
I’ll close this

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