Mail is Filtered, but Not Forwarded, in Usermin

OS type and version Rocky Linux 8.6
Webmin version 1.994
Usermin version 1.840

Usermin properly identifies mail according to specified filters (at least in “from” or “subject” header fields) as it can find the filtered messages in the inbox.

However, the filtered mails are not forwarded. They also do not show in the mail queue in Postfix.

Manually forwarding the identical messages does work, so they’re not likely to be getting caught in spam traps.

I’ve tested this with multiple destination addresses, most of which are on servers that I own or control, and all of which are able to receive mail sent manually from the server and email account in question.



My filters don’t work because it not configured. I have this warning.
Warning - The system is configured to not process user-defined mail filters. Filters defined here will not be used.
How did you get rid of that warning.

I didn’t. There is no warning. It just silently fails to send.

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Goto virtualmin->Email Settings->Spam & Virus Scanning
and make sure Allow mailbox users to create mail filters is set to yes


And we have a winner!

Thank you. That did it. I need that functionality for a client whose server I plan to eventually move over to Virtualmin from cPanel. He needs his field technicians alerted by MMS when they receive emails from his task-assignment software. I entered my own MMS address in the forwarding address field, and it worked.

Thanks again,


So the only bug in this case (on VM7) is that the user isn’t given the error message when the ability to create filters isn’t enabled on the virtual server.


We will add a cleaner message and a description on Usermin side with the next release.


Just to be clear, there was no error message at all. It let me set up the filters and was even able to find the matching emails in the inbox. It just didn’t forward them.


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