If I login to :20000 as a user and click the “Usermin” tab and then expand “Mail” and click “Mail forwarding and replies” and check “Yes, respond with message…” and enter an text, the following happens:
The text is written to a file (made if it’s not there):
From: [the-user]@[the-domain.com]
[and then the text ]
And another file is made (if it’s not there) with text written to it:
“|/etc/usermin/forward/autoreply.pl /home/[the-domain.com]/homes/[the-user]/autoreply.txt [the-user]@[the-domain.com]”
And a folder is created (if it hasn’t been):
With a file in it (created if it hasn’t been):
With text written to that file:
(If you set a forwarding address, that appears next to the = there, but also in a line above the "|/etc/usermin/forward/autoreply.pl string above, and other changes on that form effect these files.)
If, on the other hand, I click the “Mail” tab and click “Automatic Reply” and click the “Yes” radio button to turn it on and enter some text, two files are created (if they haven’t been) here:
From: [the-user]@[the-domain.com]
stuff like setting a subject on the form writes it to that file like:
From: [the-user]@[the-domain.com]
Subject: [subject-I-entered]
| /etc/usermin/forward/autoreply.pl /home/[the-domain.com]/homes/[the-user]/autoreply.0.txt [the-user]@[the-domain.com]
Without a provision for forwarding the mail anywhere on the “Automatic Reply” form, if I then click “Forward Email” and give that an address it appends procmailrc with:
| /etc/usermin/forward/autoreply.pl /home/[the-domain.com]/homes/[the-user]/autoreply.0.txt [the-user]@[the-domain.com]
! [the]@[otheraddress.com]
Is there a reason for having two (some advantage to one or the other)?
Is there a reason the at the “Mail forwarding and replies” version does not include a line for subject?
Conspicuously if I set one or the other its equivalent does not appear in the GUI for the other. If I set both with different information, what happens?
I believe that I can hide things under “Usermin” for users, but what about under “Mail” (depending on the answers to these questions I expect that most users shouldn’t have access to both)?
OS type and version | Ubuntu Linux 24.04.1 |
Virtualmin version | 7.20.2 |