Mail for domain: User has duplicate UID

OS type and version AlmaLinux 8.10
Virtualmin version Version 7.20.1

Migrating from a DirectAdmin server and it’s going well, except for this occasional error on some of the email users:

Beginning validation of selected virtual servers. Any problems found will be shown in red …
— Mail for domain : User [user_name] has duplicate UID 1029
… done

I did see an old archived post from 2008 that points to a now non-existent file to edit, and looked at the doc for modify-user and didn’t see any way to reassign a UID there .

How do I fix this? Delete and re-enter the user?

For prosperity’s sake I’ll post my solution here. I went ahead and used the linux CLI to change the UID

[root@vps]# id tom
[root@vps]# usermod -u 10000 tom
[root@vps]# id tom

The first “id tom” was to verify the user and group, the “usermod -u” changes the UID to “10000” for “tom” and the last “id tom” is to verify the change took place.

I have no idea if this will work Virtualmin but it appears to have eliminated the duplicate user UID error when validating the virtual servers.

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