Lost Virtualmin Pro serial number and licensed key for education

OS type and version Debian 8
Webmin version 1.941
Virtualmin version 6.08
Webserver version REQUIRED
Related packages SUGGESTED

My Education Licensed for Virtualmin Pro was lost , please give my serial number and License key again. thanks.

Please contact support.

I guess you mean when you login to your account you don’t see a license in the Dashboard.

Ok, I see my license on dashboard, but I saw on System statistics Label Pro version on my dasboard ? is it different licensed ?

Does dashboard say pro and its valid?
As far as I know there is only one license.
Try rechecking the license, i used search to find it.

@stefan1959 Do you think this is a bug as I cannot find this item in the menus?

probably a theme bug as you can see from the image below the hidden class has been applied to the element

Tar, I will report it just incase. If it is hidden I don’t think it should be available in search, does not make sense.

What are those other hidden menu items?

For me, menu items should not be getting hidden with HTML but never built into the HTML :smile:

Reported here

From GitHub / @Ilia

It is indeed hidden. With the upcoming changes, and an introduction of the separate “Virtualmin License Manager” page, I’d say we won’t need it at all, including making it available in the search.

I will remove it in time. Thanks for the heads up!

They are short cuts to theme settings, what’s useful to me is the short cut to theme extensions however this can be added as a favorite so perhaps that’s not needed also

Gotta believe you haven’t actually used this system for awhile?

The Debian Long Term Support (LTS) Team hereby announces that Debian 8 jessie support has reached its end-of-life on June 30, 2020, five years after its initial release on April 26, 2015.

Debian -- News -- Debian 8 Long Term Support reaching end-of-life.

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Virtualmin must be up to date else the menu options should still be there EOL OS is bad but if the correct repros are set for Virtualmin it should update and from that I suggest that the OP should update to a more morden distribution

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I dont see any command to re-check virtualmin licensed

Have you got the pro version ? Have you entered the information ? I did have, a few years back when my pro installation was turned back to gpl which if i remember was a local repository issue, but i would guess years on this is fixed. Do you see the licence info on the dashboard, which shows how long the licence has left to run and the serial number ? That said this may have been removed along with the check licence option
 I’ll look later to see if this info is missing froom my pro install

You can do it with the following command:

virtualmin license-info

I want to point out that your license is from an older billing system and cannot be renewed. Please reach out to us by sending a message to @staff and explaining your issue. We can assist you further from there. Thank you.

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in dashboard i saw Licensed active, bu no licensed found , what happen ?

contact the staff via a PM, you can then share payment or other private details etc
 so they can find your license if you have one. There is no point posting information on this public forum.

Interestingly the screen shot shows
Debian 8 - EOL
Webmin 1.941
Virtualmin 6.08
Authentic 19.45
This system has not been updated in a long time it maybe a good point for the OP to get everything up to date, then pursue their licence issues

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