List of Available Scripts on Virtualmin Pro

Anybody have a list of available scripts on the Pro version? I am on GPL right now.

Here’s all current versions (note that not all scripts/versions may be available on all distributions and versions…some need newer versions dependencies than are available on older distros):

Advanced Guestbook             2.4.4                                
Advanced Poll                  2.0.9                                
AROUNDMe                       0.6.9                                
Autoload                       4.7.8                                
b2evolution                    4.1.6-stable-2012-11-23 1.9.2-       
bbPress                        1.2                                  
Bugzilla                       3.6.13                               
cgiemail                       1.6                                  
Chora                          h3-2.1.1                             
CivicSpace                     0.8.5                                
CMS Made Simple                2.2.13 1.12.1                        
Coppermine                     1.5.48                               
DaDaBIK                        4.3                                  
Django                         1.9.7 1.7.11 1.4.22                  
DokuWiki                       2018-04-22b                          
Dolibarr                       10.0.7 9.0.4 8.0.6 7.0.5 6.0.8       
dotProject                     2.1.8                                
Drupal                         8.9.0 7.69 6.38 5.23 4.7.11          
eGroupWare                     16.1.20170703                        
eTicket                        1.7.3                                
eXtplorer                      2.1.9                                
FAQMasterFlex                  1.0                                  
Feng Office           1.7.5                        
Filecharger                    1.0                                  
FormMail                       1.93                                 
Forwards                       h3-3.2.1                             
Foswiki                        2.1.6                                
Gallery                        3.0.9 2.3.2                          
Ghost                          0.7.1 0.11.12                        
Gollem                         h3-1.1.2                             
Help Center Live               2.1.7                                
Horde                          3.3.13                               
Horde Webmail                  1.2.11                       Guestbook         6.0                                  
IMP                            h3-4.3.11                            
Ingo                           h3-1.2.6                             
Instiki                        0.20.2                               
IntegraMOD                     1.4.1                                
ionCube                        10.4.0 6.1.0                         
Joomla                         3.9.16 2.5.28 1.5.26 1.0.15          
Kronolith                      h3-2.3.6                             
LimeSurvey                     3.21.3+191219                        
Magento                        2.3.4                        
Mantis                         2.24.0 1.3.20                        
Matomo                         3.13.4 2.17.1                        
MediaWiki                      1.34.1 1.19.24                       
Mephisto                       0.7.3                                
MIMP                           h3-1.1.4                             
Mnemo                          h3-2.2.5                             
MoinMoin                       1.9.10                               
Moodle                         3.8.2 2.9.9                          
Movable Type                   5.2.7                                
Nag                            h3-2.3.7                             
Nextcloud                      15.0.5 10.0.6                        
NMS::FormMail                  3.14c1                               
Node.js                        13.9.0 10.16.3                       
Nucleus                        3.65                                 
osTicket                       1.14.1                               
ownCloud                       10.0.4 7.0.15                        
Passwd                         h3-3.1.3                             
phpBB                          3.2.5                                
PHP-Calendar                   2.0.12                               
PHPCoin                        v1.6.5                               
phpLedMailer                   1.8                                  
PHPList                        3.0.10 2.11.10                       
phpMyAdmin                     4.9.5 3.5.       
phpMyFAQ                       2.8.27                               
PHP-Nuke                       8.3.2 6.0 5.0                        
phpPgAdmin                     5.6.0                                
PHProjekt                      6.0.6                                
phpScheduleIt                  2.4.2                                
PHP Support Tickets            2.2 2.0                              
phpWebSite                     1.6.1                                
Php-Wiki                       1.4.0rc1 1.3.14 1.2.11               
Plans                          8.2.1                                 
poMMo                          aardvarkPR16.1                       
PostNuke                       0.764                                 
Pydio                          6.4.2                                
Radiant CMS                    1.1.4                                
RainLoop                       1.14.0                               
redmine                        1.4.4 1.1.3                           
Revive Adserver                4.2.1                                
RoundCube                      1.4.3 1.2.9                          
Ruby on Rails                  2.3.8                        
Simple Invoices                2011.1                               
Simple Machines Forum          2.0.17                               
SquirrelMail                   1.4.22                               
SugarCRM                       6.5.26                               
SuiteCRM                       7.11.13                              
Textpattern                    4.8.0                                
TikiWiki                       19.1 15.7 12.14                      
Trac                           1.1.6 0.12.7                         
Turba                          h3-2.3.6                             
TWiki                          6.1.0                                
Typo3 CMS                      7.6.32 6.2.31                        
Typo                           5.5                                  
Vacation                       h3-3.2.1                             
Vtiger CRM                     6.2.0                                
WebCalendar                    1.2.7                                
WHMCS                          6.3.2 7.7.1                          
WordPress                      5.4                                  
WordPress MU                   5.4                                   
X2Engine                       5.0.7                                
YOURLS                         1.7.6                                
ZenCart                        1.5.6c 1.3.9h                        
Zenphoto                       1.5.6                                
Zikula                         1.3.9                                
Z-push                         2.2.0-1934                           

Note that versions for scripts update all the time. This is what’s in the repo right now.

1 Like

Great. Thank you, Joe!

BTW, I was looking for Invoice Ninja but it’s not on the list. Any hope of getting it on there?

I’d never heard of it until just now, so it’s not on our radar, but if it’s relatively easy to install and has a reasonable and stable installation/upgrade process we’d consider it.

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