Hi, I am new to virtualmin. I read a lot of posts and searched the forum but didnt found a solution.
I have a https website with self signed certificats up and running.
Now I want to use letsencrypt certificates.
Go to “Virtualmin -> Server configuration -> SSL Certificate -> Lets encrypt” and Request certificate:
Requesting a certificate for www.some-domain.de, some-domain.de from Let's Encrypt ..
.. request was successful!
Configuring webserver to use new certificate and key …
… done
Applying web server configuration …
… done
Everything seems fine.
Bute the lets encrypt certificates are only stored in the folder /etc/webmin/webmin not in the home directory of the user.
The apache web config is altered to use:
Bute the ssl.cert/key/ca is missing in the home directory.
If I made symlinkgs from /home/some-domain/ssl* to /etc/webmin/webmin/some-domain* everything works fine.
Bute after a renewal the configuration is broken again.
(If the ssl.cert/key/ca is missing apache didnt start - even webmin didnt start).
Is this a bug or is the problem in front of the monitor
If not fixable, can I place a automatic script after the letsencrypt renewal wich creates the symlinks?
My System:
Debian 10 4.19.0-6-amd64
ii webmin 1.930 all web-based administration interface for Unix systems
ii webmin-virtual-server 6.07.gpl all Webmin module Virtualmin Virtual Servers
Mostly a complete new and clean installation…