After the latest update of webmin/usermin and 50 linux elements my firewallID went beserk with constant 70 % processor occupancy and an empty /etc/fail2ban/jail.local. After restarting the fireallID service it went normal but all my jails are lost.
No backup to restore from ? Maybe you have etckeeper installed and you can recover them there. Check if you have it installed and research how to use it. TBF I have never needed to use etckeeper, as stuff like that I testore from backups
I have a daily backup from the scheduled webmin configuration backup feature with all possible modules included and firewallID is one of them. Since it is a server in production I made a snapshot before updating, but it took me too long to realize the failure. I could restore the configuration files but there is no space for ‘try and error’. I made this note to warn you guys.It can very well be, that it is only a debian problem.
I am wondering if I can use this backup feature for a migration scenario moving to debian 12 on a virgin server. Is this a good idea?
Thanks for any suggestion.
In a migration scenario with different OS versions or derivatives involved you can not use the ‘webmin/Backup configuration files/Restore now’ feature of webmin to install your new server.