If you enter following value in the domain-field: auspuffhalter.com and keep the NS-entries empty.
If you send this request, NAST find this NS-Servers itself:
The Primary Name Server is the name server declared in your SOA file and is usually the name server that reads your records from zone files and is responsible for distributing that data to your secondary name servers. This problem is present when this primary name server is not included in the parent referrals and is almost always accompanied by a Local Parent Mismatch problem.
I do wonder, why my xst01.xstable.com is the last NS-Server in the List, and not the parent one!! Actually xst01 should be the parent one, and all other the secondaries.
But I wonder what’s wrong at my config, as I see the right NS-Server in the SOA Entry:
So first of all, I solved the issue for auspuffhalter.de.
I’ve looked into /etc/bind/named.conf.local and found that the allow-transfer don’t contained all the NS-IP’s in the block:
zone "auspuffhalter.com" {
type master;
file "/var/lib/bind/auspuffhalter.com.hosts";
allow-transfer {;
zone "auspuffhalter.de" {
type master;
file "/var/lib/bind/auspuffhalter.de.hosts";
allow-transfer {;
Thats part of the new Question. WHY?
Setup in Virtualmin and Webmin is set for this NS to be in the allowed-transfer-List: