Intl don't work

AlmaLinux 8.9 REQUIRED
Webmin 2.111 REQUIRED

On my VPS with Webmin/Virtualmin I just set a PHP 8.1 package. The issue is that the intl extension is missing and I can’t run my Prestashop. I’m getting lost in the many ways to interact with PHP here.


run dnf install php81-php-intl

not sure why your lost, docs show why you use that command


First of all thank you, it works.

I’m lost because there are many ways to interact with PHP config, for example in WebMin → Tools → PHPconfiguration there are these files :

None of them work if I try to change PHP memory_limit. I had to go into VirtualMin → PHP-FPM Configuration → Resource Limits

Because each virtual server can have a different version its setup that way.
You can also set php defaults in templates as well :slight_smile:

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Sorry for bothering, but could you explain me how to set PHP SOAP for this fresh PHP 8.1 package ?


No idea, have you searched the forum. Best to create a new topic as its not related to original post.

run dnf install php8.1-soap

The OS-provided package php.ini is the one in /etc. The executables and libraries are in the system standard locations.

The ones from third party repos (Remi in this case) go in /opt/remi.

Nothing to do with Virtualmin, that’s just where the packages put them, and they do it to adhere to packaging guidelines from Red Hat.

But, you generally will edit the domain-specific config files rather than the system-wide config files, as every domain gets its own configuration (but, domain-specific config files start from the system configs). You can do that in the GUI or you can edit the files. Where those files are depends on which execution mode and which version of PHP you’re using. Generally Virtualmin knows what needs to be edited, so changing the settings in the PHP-FPM Configuration page (and PHP Options) is generally what you want to do.

PHP-FPM is generally how everyone should be running PHP today.

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