Install virtualmin in ec2 and lost ssh to Ubunty

OS type and version UBUNTU 24.04
Webmin version v2.202
Virtualmin version v7.4
Webserver version EC2 AWS
Related packages SUGGESTED

I Install Virtualmin en EC2 Ubuntu server. The installation finish, but I cant access to de virtualmin admin al port 10000, and I lost connection to my EC2 server via Putty.

Have you tried rebooting via the AWS controls, I’ve had no luck using EC2 free versions, always locked up. Actually lockup during install, my install never finished.

Yes, I try an nothing. I could install virtualmin, but cant access ssh to my server

Try accessing your virtualmin from another IP address.

Does fail2ban block Ssh by default?

No it won’t the firewall block IP’s as instructed via fail2ban. However the provider firewall may not have the port open that ssh is running on. In this case there is to little info to draw a conclusion

The Virtualmin installer deletes the pre-installed ufw, which may be the cause of your issue. Take a close look at it.

You should still be able to connect to your instance via the AWS console.

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