Install script request

OS type and version Ubuntu Linux 20.04.5
Webmin version 2.001
Virtualmin version 7.2-1 Pro
Related packages Peertube

Not sure If I have request this package install script before, but this is an awesome self hosting application, a YouTube workalike but better and well maintained

Application name: Peertube
URL for site: Help | JoinPeerTube
Download URL: PeerTube documentation

would be great if you could assist with this

Also do you know of any Linux log management system that could be incorporated into Virtualmin


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Dependencies on this one are really rough.

Node 14 is not available in any of our supported distros, AFAIK. Maybe Ubuntu 22.04 has one that new. But, given they’re going to probably stay on the bleeding edge forever, it will be impossible to update old installs to new ones in the future.

Also, PostgreSQL, while a fine database and one we support and like, is very rarely the database our users choose (so much so that we default to MariaDB, and never install PostgreSQL, by default…we’ll support it if you choose to install it, and there is a command to configure it for use with Virtualmin, but it’s not there for like 99% of Virtualmin users).

I think this one is a non-starter for an install script. I won’t rule it out in the future, when Docker is an option for installable apps. But, for now, this is just too much work for something that literally only a handful of users would even be able to use.

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