Install on fresh Ubuntu 20.04 fails w errors like "touch: cannot touch 'stopspinning': No such file or directory"

On a fresh Ubuntu 20.04 server on a VPS after no changes except root password change I entered the following

root@mail:~# wget -O

root@mail:~# /bin/sh

and the script failed w the following

▣▣▣◻ Phase 3 of 4: Installation
Checking and installing system package updates :heavy_check_mark:
Installing Virtualmin 7 and all related packages touch: cannot touch ‘stopspinning’: No such file or directory 277: cannot create unitest.txt: Directory nonexistent 279: cannot open unitest.txt: No such file
[ERROR] Failed with error: 100

[ERROR] Something went wrong. Exiting.
[ERROR] The last few log entries were:
Processing triggers for dovecot-core (1: …
Processing triggers for php7.4-fpm (7.4.3-4ubuntu2.19) …
NOTICE: Not enabling PHP 7.4 FPM by default.
NOTICE: To enable PHP 7.4 FPM in Apache2 do:
NOTICE: a2enmod proxy_fcgi setenvif
NOTICE: a2enconf php7.4-fpm
NOTICE: You are seeing this message because you have apache2 package installed.
Processing triggers for php7.4-cgi (7.4.3-4ubuntu2.19) …
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
Made it here…why?
Installing Virtualmin 7 and all related packages: [2023-09-17 23:52:49 UTC] [ERROR] Failed with error: 100
[2023-09-17 23:52:49 UTC] [ERROR] Something went wrong. Exiting.
[2023-09-17 23:52:49 UTC] [ERROR] The last few log entries were:

OS type and version Ubuntu 20.04
Webmin version ?
Virtualmin version 7
Related packages ?

Thank you for any suggestions you may have, David

same issue here in both 22.04 and 23.04, both on clean installs.

both regular and pro editions.

(I also tried the older install script from github with the same result)

I changed to the Virtualmin Installer beta and ended w

[SUCCESS] Installation Complete! so my process was

I reinstalled the Ubuntu 20.04 server on the VPS. I found the beta for Virtualmin 7 here

so to get this on the new server I entered the following

root@mail:~# wget -O

and to run the script

root@mail:~# /bin/sh

FYI - I found the instructions that ended with a failed install here

and here

I really appreciate all the effort that the teams put into making this software what it is.
Awesome! Thank you! David

Oh, no. That’s not good. The beta is long over, and the beta installer is simply not supported. We have a stable version. If it doesn’t work, we’ll fix it.

I’ll try to reproduce the error you had…I don’t know why that would happen unless you’d set /tmp to disallow execution (which would not be a freshly installed supported OS, since none of our support distros do that by default).

Also, why are you installing on 20.04? 22.04 has been out and supported for well over a year. No reason to install on an old version.

Joe, I installed several computers and servers with Ubuntu 22.04. Four of them have crashed and/or stopped working and/or lost data causing me a LOT of work. The last one had your Virtualmin server w Postfix. If I was a pro I might be able to troubleshoot. I’m spooked with Ubuntu 22.04 and Ubuntu 23.04 has had reviews saying “I love Ubuntu but please don’t install 23.04”. I have a Virtualmin server on Ubuntu 14.04 [stable] that is still working even though I’ve moved most of the data to newer servers. I want stable since I’m not a pro.

The new server is on Sullivan’s Hosting. [They have a free trial period for you :}] This is a new VPS provider for me and I installed Ubuntu 20.04 from their control panel and then didn’t do anything but change the password of root. I didn’t check the /tmp folder before the successful install but now the properties of /tmp are


File: /tmp
Type: sticky, directory
Size: 4.79 KiB Blocks: 8 IO Block: 4096 directory
Device: 801h/2049d Inode: 1600 Links: 15
Attrs: --------------e-----
Access: (1777/drwxrwxrwt) Uid: (0/root) Gid: (0/root)
Access: 2023-09-18 04:27:11.131955586 +0000
Modify: 2023-09-18 04:27:07.711896531 +0000
Change: 2023-09-18 04:27:07.711896531 +0000

No, it’s not your server. I guess there’s a bug in the new install script I just rolled out today. I didn’t test it, but I’d assumed Ilia had. I’ll roll it back until I figure out what’s going on.

I really did test it quite a lot but sadly I didn’t test the full install! I didn’t see it was necessary. This bug will be fixed today in Virtualmin Install 7.1.3 though!

By the way, the real source of the issue actually was sa-compile getting in conflict with our exported tempdir directory (environmental variable). The responsibility is ours but it isn’t our bug technically speaking.

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for information, i did an install today (but ran with --minimal tag) using the old script.

Downloading repository metadata :heavy_check_mark:
Enabling universe repositories, if not already available :heavy_check_mark:
Disabling cdrom: repositories :heavy_check_mark:
Cleaning up software repo metadata :heavy_check_mark:

▣▣▣◻ Phase 3 of 4: Installation
Checking and installing system package updates :heavy_check_mark:
Installing Virtualmin 7 and all related packages touch: cannot touch ‘stopspinning’: No such file or directory 277: cannot create unitest.txt: Directory nonexistent 279: cannot open unitest.txt: No such file
Installing Virtualmin 7 and all related packages updates touch: cannot touch ‘stopspinning’: No such file or directory 277: cannot create unitest.txt: Directory nonexistent 279: cannot open unitest.txt: No such file

▣▣▣▣ Phase 4 of 4: Configuration
[1/17] Configuring Apache :heavy_check_mark:
[2/17] Configuring Bind :heavy_check_mark:
[3/17] Configuring Dovecot :heavy_check_mark:
[4/17] Configuring Etckeeper

the topspinning/unitest errors are there still, but the install did not completely crash (but that may be because i went with minimal)

If you want to run a new test, grab the latest Virtualmin Install script from our GitHub repo, then take a clean Ubuntu 22.04 and try again.

I’m pretty sure you’ll get no errors and installation will go smoothly. Although, please let me know if it still fails for you.

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i got that same error and with the beta install i get this ;

Downloading Webmin key [ :heavy_check_mark: ]
Installing Webmin key [ :heavy_check_mark: ]
Downloading repository metadata [ :heavy_check_mark: ]
Enabling universe repositories, if not already available [ :heavy_check_mark: ]
Disabling cdrom: repositories [ :heavy_check_mark: ]
Cleaning up software repo metadata [ :heavy_check_mark: ]

▣▣□ Phase 2 of 3: Installation
Checking and installing system packages updates [ERROR] Failed with error: 100
[ ✘ ]

[ERROR] Something went wrong. Exiting.
[ERROR] The last few log entries were:
util: secure_tmpdir failed to create file ‘./.spamassassin109148pIfEzKtmp’: Permission denied
util: secure_tmpdir failed to create file ‘./.spamassassin109148xpGSkctmp’: Permission denied
util: secure_tmpdir failed to create file ‘./.spamassassin109148mvhkXOtmp’: Permission denied
util: secure_tmpdir failed to create file ‘./.spamassassin109148Bt0lK2tmp’: Permission denied
util: secure_tmpdir failed to create file ‘./.spamassassin109148iKWz6etmp’: Permission denied
util: secure_tmpdir failed to create a directory, giving up at /usr/share/perl5/Mail/SpamAssassin/ line 1298.
secure_tmpdir failed at /usr/bin/sa-compile line 254.
dpkg: error processing package sa-compile (–configure):
installed sa-compile package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 13
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
Checking and installing system packages updates: [2023-09-18 21:27:17 CEST] [ERROR] Failed with error: 100
[2023-09-18 21:27:17 CEST] [ERROR] Something went wrong. Exiting.
[2023-09-18 21:27:17 CEST] [ERROR] The last few log entries were:

There is a new version of the installation file changed 3 hours ago. Why don’t you try it to see if the problem is solved?

Stop using the beta install!

I rolled back the install script to the 7.1.0 version, which works. But, the 7.1.2 version leaves spamassassin package in a broken state that’s not easy to undo. I recommend starting over with a fresh OS install.

If that’s not possible, it may be that using --uninstall will remove enough of the mess to allow it to install successfully, though I haven’t tested that. (This should only be used on a system that has nothing of value on it. It is very destructive. And, it may or may not do anything useful in this circumstance. Until now, we never had a case where the configure step of a package was mess up in this particular way. It’s real messy. I really recommend just starting over if you can.)

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