I changed to the Virtualmin Installer beta and ended w
[SUCCESS] Installation Complete! so my process was
I reinstalled the Ubuntu 20.04 server on the VPS. I found the beta install.sh for Virtualmin 7 here
so to get this install.sh on the new server I entered the following
root@mail:~# wget -O virtualmin-install.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/virtualmin/virtualmin-install/d7fcb4ea35b5545417a38b7af4c4d97dbe45d591/virtualmin-install.sh
and to run the script
root@mail:~# /bin/sh virtualmin-install.sh
FYI - I found the instructions that ended with a failed install here
and here
I really appreciate all the effort that the teams put into making this software what it is.
Awesome! Thank you! David