Inconsistent CLI output for virtualmin list-domains --simple-multiline vs multiline


I’m working on a simple script that would provide additional data to ImunifyAV - such as domains/users…
Using CLI API to do so - since Remote API seems to be just parsed CLI. And parsed only for multiline, simple-multiline just gets the whole input.

Anyhow - to the real issue. doing diff between simple and normal multiline I was surprised to get php execution time in simple but not in full multiline output. I was assuming that simple multiline would just be a subset of multiline. In general this is indeed the case - the only outlier is “PHP max execution time”.

Actually it’s a simple enough fix - Fix inconsistent output from list-domains --simple-multiline and --multiline by bstramsek · Pull Request #717 · virtualmin/virtualmin-gpl · GitHub

hi! how did you installed ImunifyAV? thanks

Its on there website

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