In our opencart installation, it gives a universal xml import pro time out error

In our opencart installation, it gives a universal xml import pro time out error. We tried a lot of settings on the php side, but we could not reach the result, please help.


Is this not an issue with the cart requiring xml-rpc in PHP (php-xml). I’m sure I’ve seen this issue somewhere. Can’t recall if it was a PHP version or FPM/FCGld

php 7.3.3. We are using version. Opencart version is installed on the system. We are using Universal import export version v3.6.1. There is no method that we haven’t tried on the php side, but it keeps giving an error because it timed out. Unfortunately, we do not have any information on how to do it. We want support.

Talk to open cart if the script you are using is coded by them. I assume that the server is serving a test page correctly

“I believe we’ve tried every possible solution, and I had considered that maybe Virtualmin could assist us in this matter. I would be glad if they could help.”

In Server Configuration -> PHP Options -> PHP Information you do have modules xml xmlreader xmlwriter xsl all listed?

I still think Opencart has the same issues that WordPress does - It is full of add-ons and “modules” of a dubious nature and prone to bugs very few of which can be resolved at the server.

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