Virtualmin can help with some of those things, but not all of them
If you are interested in installation service, that’s just $49. With that, we’ll help you get Virtualmin up and running on a newly installed system. CentOS 5 is one of the grade A supported distributions, so that’s great (Ubuntu 8.10, OTOH, isn’t well supported yet, so perhaps it’s good that it didn’t work out).
Which EasyDNS service were you planning to use (we may or may not be able to help out there)?
Virtualmin supports SPF, so there won’t be any trouble there, it’s just a matter of enabling it.
And when you say “rdns” above, what are you referring to exactly? I’d normally assume reverse DNS, but the reverse DNS part is something you’d need to get your ISP to do for you. So that makes me think my assumption may not be correct
That’s roughly the limit of where Virtualmin can help – we’ll get the base system running and make sure it works as advertised. We’ll make sure SPF is enabled for you, and depending on what you’re doing with easydns, we might be able to help there.
If you’re interested in setup beyond the installation service, there’s some experienced folks who’d be thrilled to help in the “Jobs” forum.
So setting up something like Domain Keys / DKIM would be perfect for them, along with any other odds and ends you may be interested in.
As for what timeframe to expect?
I think saying "a few days" is safe Sometimes it can be done within hours of you requesting it, other times it can be a couple of days or so.
We’ll try to be more prompt than we were in responding to your post here though