ok, here we go. I installed virtualmin on a vps with the above versions. domain host1.hostservice.nl is pointing to it. I can access it on port 10000 just fine.
I registred hostservicedns.com with namecheap and created 2 nameservers there, and also set it up at virtualmin to act as my own personal nameservers. Seems to work.
Then I installed a virtual server package with the domain decentraalinternet.nl. Working fine.
One of the reasons that I decided to use my own nameservers (next to it being more professional) is that I received _acme-challenge errors with Lets encrypt. After getting my domainservers at virtualmin, getting certificates is just working fine.
So, I got an SSH certificate on decentraalinternetnl and www.decentraalinternet.nl
Here I used the build in script to test installing a wordpress website. Also that worked. But when clicking the link to the new website, a PR_END_OF_FILE_ERROR error appears. https://decentraalinternet.nl/wp-admin
Looking on the forum here and on the internet, I get about a zillion different reasons why this could be (some of which I tried and checked), but I’m far too much of a newbe to understand. I need sesamestreet-type explanations
Can anyone help me out here?
Which browser are you using?
Which antivirus?
I think this may be something wrong with the certificate (chaining perhaps). I think it may be a recent problem.
I normally do not have these issues on my regular VPS running Direct Admin or so, but this is a new experiment indeed. Although I managaed to get the Lets Encrypt certificate, I’m very much willing to believe something is still wrong in the setup
I know that works fine. An installation script like WP creates an https as it always does. In this case it’s not reachable. It’s not WP related, it’s https related.
Sorry, just saw your other questions. yes, this is already another virtual server.
Thanks, I could try to run the wizard again
The build script, what does this do? Is it createing the SSL and other system things or is it purely for installing WordPress. You should let Virtualmin handle all of the System stuff or at the very least use the Virtualmin API commands and not ‘RAW’ linux commands.
Lastly try running: Virtualmin → system settings → Re-Check Configuration
maybe not important — I see that both ns1.hostservicedns.com and ns2.hostservicedns.com point to — is that IP going to your home, or to Namecheap? As I am confused a bit when you wrote
created 2 nameservers there, and also set it up at virtualmin to act as my own personal nameservers.
Just because you tell Virtualmin to create and handle DNS locally does not mean the outside world knows about it too
I actually ending up using the support chat from Namecheap whuch were kind enough te help me out although I had slight doubts. Anyway, I figurered they would know.
Edit; below the settings in virtualmin, this is how I read it…
Just started a clean install again. Weirdly enough, when creating the first virtual server it wants to use as it’s external address, which is the router of all those servers, in stead of the actual vm at …27.27. No idea why.