
Has anyone seen a file like this before in their /public_html/ or /httpdocs/ folder?


It is owned by root, appeared right after I created the virtual server (domain) from scratch.


Hmm, does it have anything in it… perhaps a number? I’d be curious if some process attempted to open that file, and then somehow got stuck.


Yep, each one has a number… turns out I had one in EVERY /httpdocs/ folder. These had been “Restored” from a backup to a new box.

I also had a /home/example.com/.backup.lock in the root of every domain as well.

If you look at the number in that file – do you see a running process with that particular PID? If so, what process is it?


Nope… must’ve been processes from the old server (pre-migration).

Gotcha – it should be safe to delete those .lock files then.