How toadd on private IP?

Tring to make a vhost on a private IP but VM says:

"Failed to create virtual server : Could not allocate virtual IP address from range"

How do I make a range available? I have tried adding a range to eth0 in webmin.

I tried adding a new virual interface with an available IP in webmin

I tried adding a shared Ip in Vmin.

It seems that when i try to add a virtual host I cant specify the IP I want it on.

See attached pics (hopefully if they go through)


Can you raise the image size upload limit on the forum to something really high like 1680x1680 or 5 megs. My images are not big. It would be good to allow pdf’s too so i can annotate what i am tring to describe.


Can you raise the image size upload limit on the forum to something really high like 1680x1680 or 5 megs. My images are not big. It would be good to allow pdf's too so i can annotate what i am tring to describe.

I’ve increased the file size to 2MB, and the max size to 1280x640 (that’s 640 wide, because I don’t want forum posts to explode out of their margins–it makes the text ugly and hard to read…it already can happen with code tags, which will hopefully be fixed when we update the forum software).

Thanks. here are the pics. Hopefully they are descriptive enough because I have a customer! YAAA!(yes the first,and also a good one) And they need a dedicated IP.

One more time… [file size=45712][/file]

Adding ranges in Webmin’s network interfaces is unnecessary. You just need to configure Virtualmin to know what IP range you want to use (look in Module Configuration in Virtualmin). You’re trying to make it more complicated than it needs to be. :wink:

Virtualmin wants to do everything for you–including managing your IP addresses for virtual hosts. If you don’t want it to do that, you have to tell it you don’t want it bringing up your virtual interfaces.

When I am creating the new Vhost I can’t tell it to have a private IP. The radio button is there but there is no way to tell it what the IP is.

Are you saying that if I enable SSL during creation that it will automatically make a private IP and virtual interface? what if I want it to be on a specific IP?

Module Config > Server Settings > then?

eth0:34 (xxx.xx.xx.34) no hosting just DNS (done)
eth0:35 (xxx.xx.xx.35) my Vhost company private IP (done)
eth0:36 (xxx.xx.xx.36) all shared Vhosts (done)
eth0:37 (xxx.xx.xx.37) new site I am trying to "create" (???)

I want all the virualhosts to be on eth0:36 (xxx.xx.xx.36)and I believe that is how its setup now. It seems like in "module config > server settings" that it just globally tells all new vhosts to be created on a specific interface.

See pics of current the setup.

[file size=48026][/file]

Hi Max,

If you want Virtualmin to allocate an IP for you automatically, the range that it can use first has to be defined at :

System Settings -> Server Templates -> Default Settings -> Virtual IP address

on that page you can enter one or more ranges, or select the ‘None’ option if you want to do manual IP allocation. There’s no need to setup ranges in the Network Configuration module - in fact, this will cause Virtualmin to complain that it can’t find a free address to allocate.

That worked > !