How to update mariadb?

OS type and version alamalinux 9.5
Webmin version 2.3
Virtualmin version 7.30.4
Webserver version REQUIRED
Related packages SUGGESTED

I’m installing moodle on my vps, but it asks me to update mariadb, I have version 10.5.27 and it asks me for at least 10.6.7, I’ve looked for how to do it, I think it can’t be done directly from virtualmin, it should all be done from the console.

Thanks for your guide and help.

Read here.

Might help

Is it really that hard to use the search button?

This is for Ubuntu. However, if you REALLY know what you do, you can easily modify the commands.

Thanks I managed to do it with the following tutorial

I used the module method, as long as it works. More then one way to skin a cat.

Looking at my old command I used mariadb-upgrade -u root -p where they use mysql_upgrade -u root -p I presume it does the same thing.

mysql_upgrade might still work on some older MariaDB versions, but newer MariaDB versions (10.4 and later) have fully transitioned to mariadb-upgrade. They perform the same function but are specific to their respective database engines.