I dumped a magento website from a fully functionnal url: www.mydomain.com/store
to my ubuntu 12.04 lamp server using virtualmin.
my server get a static ip .
I created a cname from my host console as: test2.myhost.com = my static ip
I created a new virtual server which is test2.myhost.com
from my browser, i can type http://test2.myhost.com and it returns the content of my public_html
Great !!
Magento is known to work on Virtualmin systems; what you’re seeing definitely sounds unusual!
It’s possible that something broke in the process of moving it from one system to another; a lot of apps don’t like having things changed, especially if the path it’s in changed.
You may want to verify in your config that the various Magento paths are set correctly for your current server. This here is a good starting place:
from my magento admin even if i was sure to disable the merging process, the button to save the changes was not operating because of the js files missing.
So i went to phpmyadmin through the table core_config_data (that’s why you put me on the way) and I changed the values according to this post:
Editing the config.xml didn’t do the trick for me, I had to disable it in the database.
In table ‘core_config_data’ set the value of the row with path ‘dev/js/merge_files’ (config_id 772) to ‘0’.
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction though!
I changed the value to “0” for “dev/css/merge_css_files” aswell