How to Manage the labels on the Dashboard

Debian 11
Webmin 2.111


I would like to know how to organize the different panels in the Dashboard to add or remove them? I have reinstalled Webmin on a new server and if I compare to the old one, some labels (window info) are missing, like the Disk Quotas for each servers.

I didn’t find anything in the doc or in the forum. Is there a way to do that?


No idea to add different panels on the Dashboard?

Some of these panels are module dependent. For example, Disk Quotas will only be shown if Virtualmin is installed, and quotas are enabled.

Virtualmin is installed. Where I can check if Quotas are enable?

Webmin / System ⇾ Disk Quotas and Virtualmin / System Settings ⇾ Virtualmin Configuration: Server settings.

Webmin / System ⇾ Disk Quotas : I see only / (users) / (groups) and if I click on it, I can see all the servers with the quotas but I don’t see it on the Dashboard.

Virtualmin / System Settings ⇾ Virtualmin Configuration: Server settings : Set quotas for domain and mail users is on YES and in Disk Quotas everything is by default.

How exactly did you install Virtualmin?

with the terminal once the new VPS was ready with Debian 11. I didn’t remember exactly which command but I found it online, I think on the website of Virtualmin.

It isn’t clear what’s wrong without having extensive and clear information about your system and, in particular, the quotas configuration.

I reported you what you asked me. If you want me to check another settings, tell me which one.