This problem is really simple, I guess. But I’ve searched documentation and forums without success …
I want to be able to run Perl scripts under Apache. I.e.: the user goes for the page, a Perl script is run, and the script output returned to the user. Very much similar to .
This should happen also for external visitors to the web site. The web site in question ( is run as a Virtual Server under Virtualmin.
I would like to place my scripts in another folder than cgi-bin .
Thanks, it works for me. I’m migrating a planner program from another installation to Virtualmin. There I had one folder with both Perl scripts and various support files, e.g. configuration files. As I understand it, with your suggestion, I need to have the Perl files to be run as cgi-scripts in the cgi-bin folder, and place the other files in another folder. Is this true?
Isn’t it possible to place Perl files, meant to be run as cgi-scripts, in a custom folder?