How to make a particular domain as host domain of virtualmin ( primary)

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HI, I did installed virtualmin, and “” as first virtual server, keeping same as linux server hostname. , but later i decided to change the host domain name. to: ,
after delete the , one of the clients domain become primary domain for virutalmin… which i cannot delete or disable now… , even after creating virtualserver same as server name , my is not a primary domain.

For my surprise, some of the viertual server default virtualmin page. it shows me client domain name “” and also when creating ssl certificate to other virtualserver, i see message saying certificate is not issued for this domain. saying certificate is created for
i cannot delete or disable… I have already change new domain name: networking-network configuration- hostname and dns client"
what else can be done . please help I am new here.

Why ? You should not host a virtual domain with the same name as the hostname. Just delete that virtual server and create something else I’m sure the install documentation warns you about managing a virtual domain with the same name as the hostname

  • As @jimr1 Don’t manually create a virtual server with the same name as your hostname. I think the option has been removed from Virtualmin configuration settings.
  • to set a new primary website for apache/virtualmin:
    • select the website you want
    • Web configuration → Website Options → Default website for IP address

Re-run config check using “System Settings → Re-Check Configuration” link.

thank you for the support,
Now i have changed virtualmin mgmt server to be not same as host name:
now it is,
atcually main domain was pointed to my old server on cpanel/whm with other ISP , now i am migrating to AWS , without cpanel . here with virtualmin. this is done.

Thank you for the support,

  • Web configuration → Website Options → Default website for IP address
  • also i have initiated re-check
    Both above task is done.
    now my host name is , and for the virutalmin mgmt, i will use : as"
    now there is no virtualserver in the name of
    however i do manage my virutalmin on host name:"

this is fine… understood.

but still one question ? why one my client domain “” i am unable to delete.
and when i preview the any website after the migration from old provider, and when the ssl is not yet configured, it is showing ssl was issued for not the new " " that is where i know this is still acting as primary domain .
i know if install ssl for “” things show right not an a issue.

here still question , whry ? i am unable to delete is i want to ""
and how it is still primary domain.

Please advise…

Please make a new topic for each problem you have. Don’t combine a bunch of questions into one topic.


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