How to install Zabbix on a Virtual Server with it’s own domain

OS type and version Debian Linux 12
Virtualmin version 7.20.2


I would like to install Zabbix on a Virtualmin Virtual Server within it’s own domain.

Following Zabbix instruction leads to install it on the server (global) which is not what I want.

Does anyone with such experience can share some lights ? :pray:


Never heard of it, this maybe suited with Docker and use virtualmin to proxy to it.
Never done that but I hear virtualmin working with docker is fine.

You cannot install Zabbix on Virtualmin.

Virtualmin is a webhosting platform and Zabbix is a full stack software that needs a docker or it’s own server.

What you could do is setup Zabbix on a PC (or virtual machine) and then use Virtualmin to proxy a domain to it, this is maybe what you want to do.

@stefan1959 I can’t read, this is exactly what you said above, lol

I don’t see why not!?

You can install zabbix server & use as a virtual server with proxy to access zabbix dashboard. Just follow this documentation:
[Download and install Zabbix](Zabbix installation on Debian 12)
You will install zabbix server, zabbix agent and it will use your Php, Mysql server & Apache/nginx server already installed with Virtualmin installation on your machine.
Then you will have to configure zabbix to monitor your desired device & services.

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