How To Increase Total server quota and Server administrator's quota for only single virtual Server or Domain

**Operating system: CentOS Linux 7.9.2009 **
Hi Sorry I am posting a new topic for the same post. I searched for this on google How To Increase Total server quota and Server administrator’s quota for only a single virtual Server or Domain and i found this article on Virtualmin but not worked for me.

Anyway I have to increase the Total server quota and Server administrator’s quota for only single virtual Server or Domain

but i am not getting any option to edit this on webmin and vitrualmin panel

Please anyone can Help Me.


Virtualmin/Edit Virtual Server/ Quotas and Limits

Thanks, I had to increase it because i have to restore my site with backup but it is still showing Error Restore Failed " disk quota exceeded "

Please can you help with This! Thanks

For the purposes of doing a restore, just set both the server and admin quota to unlimited. After you get it restored you can always go back and change it.

i setup it to unlimited but showing the same error after restoring it both the server and admin quota automatically set up to 18gb(server) and 2gb( admin).

is there any setting we need to do here while restoring it to avoid it will not take old server quota ?

That’s odd. It’s almost like the backup is setting those limits before it finishes backing up and runs out of room trying to restore itself.

Are you sure you actually have that much room available on your drive? Have you checked the active disc usage?

Here is System Information

Edit. Looked at the wrong thing.

You DESPERATELY need to update your installation. That’s WAY too many updates to have at once.

I updated all installations but showing the same error disk quota exceeded

How large is the backup you’re trying to restore?

It is total 2.5 gb

OK. So let me get straight exactly what you’re doing. Are you creating a new virtual server and then trying to import that backup to that virtual server


Are you using the +Add Servers / Import Virtual Server option?

No I have website running on virtual server but due to some issues I have to restore backup and I am trying to restore it from Virtualmin panel - backup and restore / restore backup.

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