How to enable xterm for users without root?

OS type and version Rocky Linux 9.4
Virtualmin version 7.20.2

If I add xterm module to a webmin user under “Edit Owner Limits”, the “Terminal” module will be displayed in sidebar, but clicking this button or going through Webmin menu then Terminal, the user got root access. How can I make sure this user will no gain root user? This user can’t gain root access via sudo.


Did you login as that user and then check?

Yes I do, clicking the button (alt + K) still open up as root even though the user is not sudoers.

what does alt + k do?

clicking this button


If I click this menu, the user in terminal is correctly set to current user as it’s contain this link:


But I also can change it to root, which is dangerous.


All of this happens inside thisuser login, which is not sudoers

That’s not how you should do it for the users, instead use System Settings ⇾ Server Templates: Edit Server Template / Administrator’s Webmin modules page.

Is that one of the Server Template items that applies immediately to existing servers? (I hate that Server Templates are sometimes “only on creation” and sometimes “applies to all servers created with this template”).

Yes, it is.

Agreed! Though, this is the only section in Templates that “mis-behaves” … Still, @Jamie, we should move everything from under Templates / Administrator’s Webmin modules to Edit Owner Limits page, to a new accordion …

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This works! Thank you. I was scorching trough documentation but found no luck.

Terminal is quite new. It hasn’t had a chance to get docs coverage.

I’d say it should be more intuitive. Needing documentation for every step is not ideal. It’s not obvious that Administrator’s Webmin modules are in templates, as templates should serve different purpose.

It would make much more sense to place it under Edit Owner Limits.

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maybe tie this in with make features read from the plan and not copied.

Templates / Administrator’s Webmin modules is behaving exactly as I would expect for a features section. You make a change and it the change is instant, it does not need to be pushed to accounts.

and leave the server templates to be exactly that. Server templates are a unique and powerful feature that is well developed for custom apps but it does need some work on it done.

Yeah, pre-defined in “Account Plans” and later controlled in “Edit Owner Limits”.

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